Thinking Free

Perhaps how I percieve our universe is the most godforsaken excuse for philosophy ever to emit from the mouth of a human being. Then again, one day I may be right.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Fuck them all.

Fuck them all.

Seriously, my flatmates deserve for once having to actually become independent, actually having to cope with real life for once in their gosddamn lives.

They are literally idiotic, idiotic to the point any trip down to England will result in an horrendous, one sided slaughter of them. They are stupid, there is no other word to describe them. Well, there is, but, dear god, the most stupid, most self satisfied opinion eminates from their lips with such retardness that it physically hirts to even contemplate what the fuck they are saying.

Is it actually stupidity? Well, no, these guys do law, they are reasonably intelligent, Ill give 'em that, but man they havent had any true life experience. Everything they have ever needed has been laid upon a plate for them, they have never had to struggle, to watch their mom collapse from an emotional breakdown, to watch their dad despair over abusiness basically robbed form them by unscrupolous businesmen. They have no real life experience, no real trial,no real push, no real humanising experience. They are, for all their intelligence and wit, are effectively stupid. They have no conclusions to draw from any real life example, no real idea that they could be wrong. Arrogant, stupid, retarded little fuckwits that would be slaughtered if ever faced by genuine, malicious intelligence. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb.

Nice guys, but dumb beyond imagination. Here's hoping life teaches them a lesson.

Even, here's to them learning something.

EDIT: Removed the names. That wouldnt be fair to reveal them now would it?


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