Thinking Free

Perhaps how I percieve our universe is the most godforsaken excuse for philosophy ever to emit from the mouth of a human being. Then again, one day I may be right.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Weeeee...been a while!

It has.

In the spirit of looking forward to my next trip abroad to the good ole US of A, I have decided to take the time to compile a list (inspired by an effort by Kaenai), of thinks I will NOT be looking forward to when I return. I should point out, however, that in spite of this list I remain deeply fond of the United States, and despite reservations of its foreign policy I can't help but fall in love with it every time I come over. C'est Magnifique.

Anyway, the list:

Family Values: A phrase which when used usually evokes scenes of Fred Phelps et al. ''Family Values'' seems to be Baptist code for 'I hate Gays' to explain why they voted one particular way in the (not-so-) recent election. Usually espoused most prominently by people who's actual family values consist of getting drunk, coming home at two am, beating their kids and pushing their wife down the stairs.

Creationists: Kent Hovind and company broadcast this puesdoscience attempting to explain how all of modern science is wrong and everything from communism to teenage pregnancy is to be blamed on Charles Darwin. Based mostly on the theories of people with ''interesting'' (and by interesting, I mean, non-existent) academic credentials (apart from Behe I suppose), who cannot quite grasp the concept that a book written 2000 years ago might use metaphorical rather than literal imagery for its important messages.

People who moan repeatedly about immigrants: Those annoying fucktards who shave swastikas into their pubic hair and moan repeatedly about how "their" jobs are being taken over by new arrivals. Okay boys, let me explain two things.
1) Two or three generations ago your family were immigrants too, who came over here and stole other people's jobs.
2) The actual reason they stole "your" job is mainly because they will do it for less money and to a higher standard than you do.

"INSERT RANDOM CULTURE/NATIONALITY" - American: No, you are not Irish-American, you're not African American, you are simly American. Its not a lot of history but it is who you are. You can be proud of your roots distant without being a fucking cock about it.

The word 'Synergy': I mean, for fucks sake. This is one of those words which when used generally mean the minutes you put into the conversation have been lost forever for no discernible reason.

Political Pornography: By this I mean the Michael Moores and the Ann Coulters of the world. Who needs fact when you can mouth off about how the other side are destroying America and its values?

And....thats that for now.


I actually fucking love America, just in case you were wondering.


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